Ohana Means Family

When I hear someone talk about Lilo and Stitch my mind immediately goes to “ohana” meaning family because that was the overall message of Lilo and Stitch, you should never leave family behind. Even as a child I got this from the movie.When I was little I never really made these connections. Honestly I think I thought her sister was her mom when I watched it. But like I said before I did get the overall message meant from the movie, that Ohana, family, means no one gets left behind or forgotten. Children need to hear these things because I know as we get older many people leave their families without realizing how much they need them. but some things I didn’t really get or understand, was the more serious aspects of the movie.

For example, the fact that the reason family meant so much to them was because they lost their parents when they were younger so all they had was each other. Stitch didn’t have a family when he came into their lives and was upset he never knew his family. It was upsetting when he was told by his creator that he didn’t have a family and he was so helpless. In the end of course everything works out and Stitch finally becomes a part of Lilo’s family. The social worker keeps coming to her house trying to take Lilo away saying Naini (her sister) wasn’t fit to be a parent, when Lilo is happiest with her. This is actually a real problem that after parents pass siblings get separated from one another loosing contact and it’s just very sad.  These were just some thoughts I had on the movie Lilo and Stitch, did anyone else realize these things when they were younger? Or did it go over your heads as well?


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